Friday, May 15, 2009

Advance Screening Terminator Salvation Tickets from Twitter!
Looks good, how about the rest of the film?

I won my movie tickets on Twitter! Instant gratification.

Earlier this week I won tickets to the Advance Screening of Terminator Salvation, via Twitter. I've never won anything on Twitter before, so this was pretty cool. Warner Bros. has their PR representatives spreading the word of their upcoming films, on the social networking/status update site (tool?) which is great for fans because we can contact these people directly. The WB Rep for Vancouver had mentioned that followers to their Twitter could have a chance to win free tickets if you paid attention closely for trivia questions.

Of course when free tickets to a movie are involved, (a movie I'm excited for, but still on the fence about), I wouldn't mind trying to win tickets, especially since they were FREE. If I end up hating the movie I won't feel so bad anymore.

The WB Rep posted around 5 or 6 questions about the movie, and fans would tweet back their answer. The questions were fairly easy, mostly about the actors character names, directors full name etc. Nothing an online fan wouldn't know.

Expect a blog about my Terminator Salvation thoughts, shortly after the screening this Tuesday MAY 19th!!!

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