Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Childrens Hospital McDonalds Cafeteria

Disgusting - McDonald's cafeteria, the only food option at Children's Hospital???

During my trip to LA for the Holidays, I had an impromptu opportunity to visit Children's Hospital, when my baby cousin had to go in for a checkup. I hadn't set foot in a Children's Hospital since I was a kid, so this was a chance to see the hospital from a grownups perspective.

This particular Children's Hospital at 5000 W Sunset Blvd, features a McDonald's as the cafeteria. Surprised at this disgusting discovery, I decided to take some pictures as evidence. The thought of McDonald's inside a children's facility is pretty sickening, especially when you realize that it's the only place to get food, aside from the bagel vendor in the hallway by the entrance.

There's a sign in the main lobby that simply stays 'cafeteria' with an arrow pointing in the appropriate direction, which I tried following, but it just leads back to McDonald's.

Upon first look at the virtual tour of the Children's Hospital LA website, there's no mention of McDonald's their site. Though when viewing the interactive map, it reveals Micky Dee's, as being the only location for food within the building.

For a facility boasting some of the best medical staff, and equipment in the world, the sight of McDonald's, is nothing but disappointing. It works against the philosophy of good health, and healthy living for children.

Open 24 Hours to brainwash your child into thinking that McDonald's is a nutritious part of their diet -- an addiction rooted from childhood, fast food is the worst thing you can give children, let alone ones with serious medical conditions. Hardcore product placement even in a hospital is sick.

What annoys me even more is that when you click the camera icon on the interactive map above the McDonald's Logo, you get this message:

"Having a McDonalds franchise on our hospital's campus ensures that families are able to grab a meal in an atmosphere that children recognize as being child-friendly without leaving our hospital. For families with sick children, the golden arches are often a welcome site."

You have got to be fucking kidding me. Sure kids recognize the brand, that's only because they're bombarded with it, even in a hospital.

I couldn't help but notice 'ethnic minorities' being treated at the hospital, and lining up at McDonald's, and I felt like they were being targeted with fast food, a leading cause of childhood obesity. If this were a hospital for the upper class, in an affluent neighborhood, where patients and families were Caucasian I'm sure organic sandwiches, wraps, and healthy salads, would be served. Sort of like the Military advertising heavily in movie theaters located in low to middle-class neighborhoods, where the expectancy for college is lower, while next to no military advertising appears in upper-class theaters, where kids are more likely to go to college.

1 comment:

Cedstick said...

"Labels: wtf"

Yea, the irony of it all is pretty disgusting. This was a surprise to read. I think, though, it has everything to do with sponsorship -- funding doesn't often come easy, and who better (don't answer that) than the leading fast-food franchise in America?