Thursday, October 16, 2008

Entertainment Weekly - Star Trek New Movie, New Vision Feature

More images/deets from the latest Star Trek movie.

This week's Entertainment Weekly out on Oct.17, sheds more light on Abrams new vision for Gene Roddenberry's science fiction pop-culture franchise.

The 8-page EW cover story should have fans excited about Star Trek's reboot as it's loaded with more images from the film, as well as more details from the filmmakers. Be aware there are spoilers, so if you choose not to know anything about the film, don't bother reading, (or at least avoid page 4).

Abrams is focusing on worldwide appeal, making Trek cool. He's quoted as saying, ''We weren't making a movie for fans of Star Trek. We were making a movie for fans of movies.''

After the television abominations of Star Trek Voyager, and Star Trek Enterprise, here's hoping Abrams Star Trek vision, is more than cosmetic, perhaps one with intellectual appeal as well. Star Trek has always had the allure of wonder, and adventure in the context of space exploration where science and technology inspired. Unless the new Star Trek movie slips into popcorn flick territory, with not much brains behind the bimbo, then serious Trek fans should be worried. I'm sure they'd say Abrams brought a little too much 'Felicity' to Trek.

Read the EW feature, and you be the judge.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I hate to burst your bubble but "Enterprise" was not an abomination, it was 4 seasons of solid entertainment. Also, judging by the photos of Abram's movie, I think they should rename it "Star Trek: 90210". It actually looks more like a reboot of "Fantastic Four" than of Star Trek.